
Indefinite Quantity Agreement

As a copy editor who understands the importance of search engine optimization (SEO), it’s crucial to identify and address grammatical errors that can impact a website`s ranking. One common error that is often overlooked is the indefinite quantity agreement.

The indefinite quantity agreement refers to the agreement between a verb and a noun that indicates an indefinite amount of something. This agreement is essential in ensuring that the sentence is grammatically correct and clear to the reader.

For instance, consider the following sentence: “Each of the students has their books.” The verb “has” is in the singular form, agreeing with “each” which is also singular. However, the pronoun “their” is plural, creating an indefinite quantity agreement error.

To correct this error, you can change the sentence to say: “Each student has his or her book.” The singular verb “has” agrees with the singular noun “student,” and the pronoun “his or her” is also singular, ensuring the sentence is grammatically correct.

Indefinite quantity agreement errors can be challenging to spot, but they are essential to fix. If left unaddressed, they can create confusion for the reader and negatively impact the website`s SEO.

Another example of an indefinite quantity agreement error is: “Some of the employees prefer working from home.” In this case, the singular verb “prefers” does not agree with the plural noun “employees” and should be corrected to read: “Some of the employees prefer to work from home.”

In summary, as a professional, it`s essential to keep an eye out for indefinite quantity agreement errors. Correcting these errors will not only ensure grammatical accuracy but also help improve the website`s ranking by providing clear, concise content.

